At louche ends...
Assiduously cultivating archaism since 1965.
pring straining
The word for today is 'inguinal'
... as in 'The fungi in our inguinal crease are not the same ones on our heel pad or behind our ear'
All to the what now?
Chapter VI of Hardy Boys book 10, What Happened at Midnight, begins like this:
"WELL, I guess we're ready to go," Chet announced as he gave his hands a final wipe in an effort to rid them of some of the grime and grease that stuck after the repair job.
"Will she run?" questioned Frank.
"Like a sewing machine! Step on the starter and see."
Frank did so.
"All to the Worcestershire sauce," he announced. "Let's go!"
"Gresham?" questioned Chet.
"Where else?"
What in the hell does that mean? Googling the exact phrase 'all to the worcestershire sauce' turns up four references, all quoting this book.
The fuck, Leslie?
Hardy Hard Hard: A Disclaimer
As you might have noticed by now (for the exactly zero valid values of 'you' that are not also 'me'). I am on a project to rewrite the Hardy Boys books as erotica. Various folks have pointed out this is a risky business, especially inasmuch as the original books (from 1927 to 1959[?])—at least those by Leslie McFarlane—gave Frank Hardy's age as 16 and Joe Hardy's as 15. Despite there being every possibility that two boys in their mid-teens should be well adjusted and mature in their experience of lust—enough to seize sexual agency where and when and with whom they want—it is obviously not legally ok to write pornography about a 15 year old.